Product Details Search Results:
{"Category":"Sensors, Transducers","Features":"-","Family":"Magnetic Sensors - Hall Effect, Digital Switch, Linear, Compass (ICs)","Series":"HAL\u00ae","Standard Package":"2,000","PCN Design/Specification":"Marking Addition 07/Jul/2015","Output Type":"Analog, Ratiometric","Supplier Device Package":"*","Packaging":"*","Datasheets":"HAL1821,22,23 Datasheet","Current - Supply":"10mA","Voltage - Supply":"4.5 V ~ 5.5 V","Sensing Range":"\u00b12.3mT","Package / Case":"*","Current - Output (Max)":"1mA","Operating ...
1516 Bytes - 15:13:07, 14 March 2025
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File Name | File Size (MB) | Document | MOQ | Support |
SINTERSCHALL._3_8_KEGEL.pdf | 9.04 | 1 | Request | |
SCHALTSCHRANK_BLINDPLATTE.pdf | 0.39 | 1 | Request | |
LDL-HALL-C.pdf | 18.76 | 1 | Request | |
LDL-HALL-F.pdf | 3.97 | 1 | Request | |
LDC-HALL-F.pdf | 9.08 | 1 | Request | |
FR-HAL-H1.5K.pdf | 15.97 | 1 | Request | |
FR-HAL-H37K.pdf | 15.97 | 1 | Request | |
FR-HAL-5.5K.pdf | 15.97 | 1 | Request | |
FR-HAL-22K.pdf | 15.97 | 1 | Request | |
FR-HAL-1.5K.pdf | 15.97 | 1 | Request | |
FR-HAL-2.2K.pdf | 15.97 | 1 | Request | |
FR-HAL-H280K.pdf | 15.97 | 1 | Request |